Renck Hall
"The Original Warrenton Antique Show​​"

All information on this page can not be used or reproduced in any way without the consent of Renck Hall January 2024.
"The Original Warrenton Antique Show and Sale" was created in October 1981 by Smokey & B.J. Renck. 
There were 3 dealers in the Renck Yard and 9 dealers on Renck Field. 
Warrenton, Texas did not have any other show venues, this was the beginning of "The Original Warrenton Antique Show" 

The Antique Show has expanded over 43 years with the town landowners now renting their fields, front yards and buildings to vendors from all over the United States.

Approximately 200,000 plus shoppers come to Warrenton, Texas every Spring and Fall. 

2024 will begin our 43rd year and 85th Antique Show.  ​​