Renck Yard
The Original Warrenton Antique Show​​

All information on this page can not be used or reproduced in any way without the consent of Renck Hall/Field. March 2023.
Renck Yard is located in the heart of downtown Warrenton, Texas. You will find treasures galore! The likes of Antique Furniture, Glassware, Clothing, Collectibles, Antique Guns, Western Collectibles, Western Hats, Bull Horns, Leather Belts, Yard Art and Mexican Dresses/Shirts and more unique items.

Check out Ma & Pa's Kettle Korn

Physical address:
4312 State Hwy 237
Warrenton, Texas

Renck Yard Space Rental - Contact: Marlene Rooks 512 922-7330 or B. J. Renck (979) 249-3141 or (979) 966-7083


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